Saturday, August 24, 2019

MEMO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MEMO - Essay Example Wastewater treatment has brought into light various ethical dilemmas facing the transport industry (Hall, Prichard, Kirkbriod et al. 2012). Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) needs to adopt stringent environmental regulations aimed at ensuring good water quality. Over the years, waste water treatment plants have changed their management practices. The WWTP highly depends on a technical body of knowledge based on past practice, applied engineering and environmental sciences. This is an effort to ensure that the environment is kept safe and in an acceptable condition. WWTP are considering installing more additional treatment tanks to achieve very low phosphorous levels. To as low as 0.009 to 0,05 mg/l (EPA 5). Additionally, the WWTP are considering installing additional treatment so as to meet the growing water needs for the rapidly growing population. The conventional wastewater treatment method involves the physical, chemical, and biological processes and operations to remove solids, Organic material and some nutrients from wastewater .in stage one, the preliminary treatment stage, coarse and other large solid materials are left to settle out of the wastewater and later taken to the landfill (Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, 2003). This stage involves course screening, removal of grit and comminution of large objects. In the grit chambers, the water velocity is maintained sufficiently high, and air is used to prevent the solids from settling down. Comminutors are sometimes used in place of coarse screening to ensure reduced size of large particles s that they can be removed in the form of sludge in the subsequent treatment processes. In this stage, flow measurement devices, mainly the standing-wave flumes are used (Hall, Prichard, Kirkbriod et al. 2012). This is the second stage. In this stage, settleable organic and inorganic solids are removed through sedimentation process. Floating materials are also removed through skimming. Similarly,

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